Distraught Dog Owner: I Would Have Given The Burglar The TV

Jan 3, 2020 | Home Security

Someone broke into the house whilst Jake was home alone.

He and his owner had met at a rescue home 12 years earlier.

It’s not clear exactly what happened because his owner was out at work.

And Jake did what dogs do. He tried to protect his master’s territory.

So Jake did what dogs do to intruders. He bit him.

And then the burglar did what all homeowners fear.

He pulled out a knife.

And he stabbed the brave defender of the home in the leg. And then in the back of the head. This blow severed Jake’s spinal cord.

He noticed the doors were open…

dog-lying-on-sofa-home-security-dog-3759290_700-pixabayWhen Jake’s master returned home at 5pm, he noticed that all the doors were open and his TV was gone.

Then he saw his poor old friend lying slumped on the sofa.

The heartbroken owner said:

“If the burglar had said I am going to stab your dog if you don’t give me the television – I would have given him the television.”

The vet did his best…

Despite the best efforts of a vet, Jake died in his distraught owner’s arms four days later.

Following on from my post about people who proudly shout about how their German Shepherd is better than a security system. Sk yourself this:

Do you really want to put your dog in the position where he has to defend your home?

Wouldn’t it be safer to use modern technology rather than a beloved four-legged friend?

No one wants to celebrate a hero who died unnecessarily.

Learn More About Home Security

Dog-friendly systems put you in control of your home’s security

The saddest thing about this very sad tale is… it could have been prevented. Very easily.

Modern home alarms are clever. And they are pet friendly. We know of systems that CAN and DO work fully with large pets.

Nowadays, most systems can handle pets up to 25kg easily. Others 35kg, while there are systems that work 100% efficiently with pets as large as 45kg.

So, poor old Jake’s life could most likely have been saved.

If you want to take control with dog-friendly home security, you can find out more info below.

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