One of our keyholding companies shared this cautionary tale:
The director of a company had spent the evening at home celebrating his birthday. He and his wife had consumed a couple of bottles of wine as they engaged in a Zoom party with assorted family and friends.
They got into bed at around midnight laughing about the fact that they hadn’t had to fork out for a taxi home.
Our hero dozed off into a fitful sleep wishing that red wine didn’t make him feel so grim. He was in the middle of a particularly gruesome nightmare when the phone rang.
It was his Intruder Alarm Monitoring Centre telling him that his alarm system was going off and he was the named keyholder.
Without a second thought, he leapt out of bed and threw on a hoodie and some trackies. Pausing only to grab the office keys and his car keys from the shelf beside the front door, he left the house and got into his car.
After a swift dash across town, he arrived at the office ready to confront any burglars.
Fortunately, the ARC had also called the Police who had got there before him. It was a false alarm.
But, as he turned to get back into his car, he found that he was a little off balance. The Police officer looked at him closely and suddenly said: “I think we may need to get you to blow into this bag…”
A nightmare had just become a catastrophe.
In his mind, he could see the Police interview, the judge and his name all over social media.
He’d always thought he could manage his own Key Holding and that it was an unnecessary expense as he was always available.
IF ONLY… he had invested the £1 a day it costs to get his key holding handled by professionals.