In 1943, a psychologist by the name of Abraham Maslow established a hierarchy of human needs. But “what’s that got to do with Home Security?”, I hear you ask!
Well, personal security is included in Safety. Which comes second in terms of importance after our most basic Physiological needs – air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing and reproduction.
Sadly, the safety of our family and possessions is being threatened more and more.
The latest stats from The Crime Survey for England and Wales report that burglary is on the rise.
Thieves and burglars have a hierarchy of needs too!
They attack homes and businesses because they want to be able to afford those basic physiological requirements.
But next up comes safety. Their primary objective is not to get caught.
So the best things you can do to maintain your personal security are:
1. don’t show that you have lots of stuff worth stealing;
2. make it as hard as possible for someone to break into your home; and
3. make it as likely as possible that if an intruder makes such an attempt, they will be caught.
In this battle between two different sets of needs, anything you can do to make your home less attractive is important.
How can you safeguard your home?
Make it hard to break in with an alarm system that will alert the Police there is an intruder. And make it a certainty that they will get caught by investing in CCTV cameras to record the event and the perpetrators in HD. Burglars have admitted that the biggest deterrent is CCTV but only 14% of homes actually invest in cameras!